
Video Making Competitions Orgainzed by Amity Nashik Team

By - Yogesh Kulkarni

Amity Information Center has Re Launched its Successful Event Called as " Talent Search "

Talent Search is the Event which would bring out the hidden talent of the individual by asking him / his team to make a Video (Short Film/Ad) on the particular topics.

The Winner up Team would be given Movie Tickets of the latest available movie.

To find out what are the rules and Topic [Click Here]

Guys Come up with ur best possible creativity and ha mail us the details of ur participation on
aicnashik@gmail.com and upload your videos on our YouTube "Amity Nashik" Channel.

For further details you can anytime contact us. To Fill your Participation Form [Click here]

Yogesh Kulkarni
+91 9890458454

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